Monday, April 26, 2010


So when my neighbor's Food Network Magazine accidentally came to my house, I MAY have read through it... :) and I about peed my pants when I saw this. Is this not the greatest thing you have ever seen?! Well naturally I immediately had to go online and purchase it. Well... with the week I had last week, I am surprised I haven't been baking up a storm. So right now I am gleefully awaiting this to come out of the oven...

Don't worry... I will publish pictures of the final product soon. Along with pictures of my BYU GRADUATION! Woot Woot!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A few pictures..

So I haven't posted pictures in forever! These aren't the best pictures, but they do show a little of what we have been up to! :) Sorry about the ones where you have to turn your head haha I couldn't rotate them.
This is the night we got engaged. I didn't feel cute at all and we were in our comfy Sunday clothes, but I am glad I got a picture of that memory!
Here is a side view of the ring! Brent designed it and it is absolutely beautiful!

We went and saw Mystere at the Treasure Island in Vegas and it was amazing!!
Here is my handsome fiance :)
I think this was outside the Venitian in Vegas... the weather was so beautiful!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Found out today that I passed my teacher work sample!! WOOT WOOT! Now it is time to move the stress onto finding a teaching job next year!

Oh, and I found my dress for the wedding :) That also lowers the stress levels quite a bit!