Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Soap Box

So this economy sucks... I totally understand that. A lot of people are struggling financially. But if you are going to go out to eat - don't take it out on your server. This has been my latest frustration lately. I don't know how many people actually know this, but servers only make $2 an hour. So what that means, is that when our paychecks arrive... they say $0.00 (most of the time). So what does this mean? This means our only income comes from the tables that we serve. This means that if we happen to get those cheap people on our rotation, we don't have the money to pay our bills. You wouldn't go to a mechanic, cosmotolegist, handyman, lawyer, etc... and not pay them for what they do - so what makes it ok to do it to servers??
If I am a terrible server, I can understand a bad tip. I didn't do what was expected of me for my table to pay me. But if someone comes out to dinner and recieves good/great service - that server needs to be paid!
This has been really difficult for me lately. We still get tables coming in at the Happy Sumo, but with this economy we are slower; therefore, we are also making less money. Lately I have experienced a lot more instances where people get great service and leave a bad tip. I hope not to offend anyone with this statement, but... If you don't have the money - don't go out to eat where you have to tip!!! McDonalds and Wendys have a great dollar menu, seriously!
I know this blog sounds totally rude, but I felt the need to vent. I have been working a ton since school let out and this has been something we have seen a lot more of lately!
*** To all you 20% tippers out there... We love you :)***
On a lighter note:
- Trey graduates this weekend!!
- We get to go to MN tomorrow and see our wonderful family!!
- I am getting very excited to teach in the fall!
- Bessie is almost 8 weeks old and hilarious as ever!!


Aria said...

Happy 8-wk birthday to your mini cow/pooch! Have so much fun on your trip. Let's hang out when you're back from traveling all over the world (soak up every minute of that Hawaii trip).

...and thanks for the reminder about servers' tips. Luckily Tommy's the one who handles that, and he's pretty generous. But I'm so cheap, I have a hard time leaving 20%.....unless you're our server, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. If we get good service we always leave a good tip. I have been there so I know how it feels. I am sorry, that blows.

mamasteph said...

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!! Sorry to hear work has been disappointing. Honestly I don't think you are going to find that the majority of people in this economy are going to leave 20% tips to anyone anymore, but we try to make sure to leave 15% or go somewhere you don't have to leave a tip. It definitely adds up here in TN when you have to pay 10% in tax and 15% in tip. Especially with kids. But I guess if you look at the cup half full, any tip is better than no tip right? Just think you get to teach in the fall! And nobody tips teachers (except for those unwanted tips from the other teachers who think they know everything! :) ) You are an awesome server and I hope things pick up for you soon! Love ya!

Danielle said...

Hi Mary Rose, I am Adam's cousin Danielle, if you remember me. I met you a long time ago. I used to waitress too... sucks I know! I don't blog much, but started to do a little more with my craft site if you want to check it out:

Hope to get to know you more one day! Danielle

Nina said...

So I went and picked up Chinese food the other day. When I went to run my card, they explained, "push this if you want to leave a tip and this if you don't." I wondered who I was tipping. Does any of it go to the cook or the hostess? I didn't have a server or a bus boy clean up after me. Am I supposed to leave a tip? Anyway, you are a GREAT server! We have only not given at least 15% two times and it as awful!! I am sure you are not like that ever.

Unknown said...

If I get normal service I tip at least 15% and good service always get 20% or more. But don't piss me off because then I leave just enough to show the server I didn't forget. I remember one time my server was so bad that I left her some change and on the way out gave the bus boy the 20%, since he did everything for us.

As for Nina's comment I figure the tips I leave when doing take-out goes in the pool to be divided, but I have not idea. Any education you can give would be great. I thought I heard that the servers working curb side get paid more an hour so they don't need to be tipped. I hope I have not been messing up.

Hope you are loving your vacation.

BlackCanaryBabe ;)