Thursday, August 14, 2008

100 Things About Me

1. My husband's name is Adam Adams
2. My favorite color is pink
3. I love to bake
4. I am going to own a cake shop someday (soon I hope :)
5. I am really loud
6. I don't like to shave my legs
7. I hate doing dishes
8. My goal is to run a marathon someday (if you know me that is a HUGE stretch :)
9. I love kickboxing
10. The back of my Corolla says HANDYMAN in bright orange
11. I have the sweetest dog in the world
12. I started covering my couch 2+ months ago and still haven't finished
13. Procrastinating is my middle name (I get that from you Biggie!)
14. I LOVE peanut butter
15. I also LOVE mango anything
16. When I am depressed, sad, or mad I go shopping
17. I hate drama and when people feel the need to create it
18. I work with about 25 girls (thus #17)
19. I was a lifeguard in high school for 3 years
20. I have become much less social since college
21. I am going to school for elementary education
22. I think I want to teach 2nd or 3rd grade
23. Adam and I are Sunday school teachers for the 8-9 year olds
24. I am not a morning person (I was not happy when Adam woke me up at 9 this morning lol)
25. I love to buy shoes
26. I am terrified of snakes
27. I did cheerleading in high school
28. Football is my favorite sport
29. We don't own a TV.
30. I don't like to watch the news
31. My little brother is an amazing missionary in the Geneva, Switzerland mission
32. I love to get the hiccups
33. My favorite (soda, coke, pop...) is Cherry Coke Zero
34. I have recently become obsessed with kool aid
35. I have this new thing for the colors eggplant and yellow
36. I can't eat hotdogs because they give me a migraine (along with a list of other things)
37. I have a nut allergy, but just in my mouth
38. I have a geographic tongue
39. Out of 7 kids, I look the most like my mom :)
40. I love being in the sun
41. I get cranky when I am hungry
42. I have taken about 40 pregnancy tests since I've been married (paranoid I know)
43. I really want a motorcycle
44. I love to crochet
45. I love reading, but find it so hard to finish the last book of a series (except Breaking Dawn, I already finished that one! :)
46. My theme song is Girls Just Want to Have Fun
47. I love slumber parties! (we still have them with our married friends lol)
48. I love carnivals, fairs, and rodeos
49. I love amusement parks and water parks
50. I broke my left thumb on the growth plate and now it is shorter than my right
51. I was married on Dec. 27, 2006 in the Salt Lake City temple
52. My birthday is my favorite day of the year
53. I am terrible about sending birthday cards and thank yous
54. I know ASL and hope to do something with it someday
55. I lived in 5 different states growing up
56. I went to high school and graduated in Marshall, Minnesota
57. The longest I have lived anywhere is Kingwood, TX (11 years)
58. In our first year of marriage we went from Provo - Las Vegas - Minneapolis - Layton - Springville
59. Sushi is my favorite kind of food (even after working at Happy Sumo)
60. My eyes are so dark they almost look black
61. I get bored easily and like change
62. After I go shopping, I always have to come home and try everything on again ;)
63. I have a really small bladder and pee more than anyone I know (except you Momma :)
64. I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew (who I haven't gotten to meet yet :(
65. I am not flexible at all (I don't know how I was a cheerleader)
66. I am currently trying to grow my hair out (we'll see what happens after my hair appt tomorrow lol)
67. I am a bad test taker
68. I am married to my soul mate
69. Adam and I dated almost 2 months before he kissed me!!
70. It was totally worth the wait ;)
71. I pop my knuckles way too much
72. I don't like wearing makeup and only put it on when I have somewhere to go
73. I love rollar blading, although I haven't done it in ages (I am going to buy some soon)
74. I never thought it would happen, but I love taking the bus to school
75. I get distracted by shiny objects (that was for you Katch lol)
76. I love that I can talk to my parents about anything
77. My favorite actor was Heath Ledger :(
78. I don't own an Ipod
79. I am not patient
80. I love the mole on the end of my nose!
81. I would rather drive a manual than an automatic
82. My dream car is a black FJ Cruiser
83. I have really bad road rage (especially in Utah County ;)
84. I am a sucker for a good deal
85. I started BYU as a special education major before I changed to El Ed
86. I have a scar under my nose from crashing a bike when I was little
87. I am very clumsy
88. I love being from a big family, you always had someone to hang out with
89. I am not very good at opening up to people
90. When I was little orange was my favorite color, and one year I painted all my easter eggs orange and one green :)
91. IKEA is one of my favorite stores. I could spend hours (and lots of money) there
92. I am a pack rat, I keep everything
93. I prefer to be called Mary Rose, rather than Mary, although I don't like to tell a lot of people that
94. I am not very organized
95. When I am upset, I love to drive. It calms me down (probably not a very smart idea lol)
96. I really want to buy an old house and fix it up (I have learned/seen a lot of cool things in having a husband own a handyman business)
97. I love to learn new things!
98. I have become a total computer dummy lately (having a creative blog for instance)
99. I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
100. I live life with no regrets!
101. My little brother Trey is the coolest kid you'll ever meet! I feel bad for those guys on all the other football teams that have to face him this season ;)

Wow! That was so hard! Hopefully I didn't bore you too much (assuming you actually read the whole list lol)! I challenge any of you who read this to try and make a list about yourself so I can get to know you better!


M {3 said...

I loved reading it and laughed a lot! You hit the nail on the head with #13 and #63 LOL I think # 101 would be You are my sunshine:)

Trey said...

that's interesting mary! thanks for not including me in there somewhere thoughQJWKjdkljhkJklesjf... those were angry hits on the keyboard... but i pretty much knew all those things! hope to see you and adam soon at one of my games!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a dork, the same person though. I agree with the loud part, although I have not heard your loud mother laugh for a long time. ha ha!

M {3 said...

Way to go with the addition of #101 He is so cool how could you have forgotten!!? LOL ;)

Biggie T said...

Very good lit - although I already knew most of this stuff. I was going to post a blog last night but you know about that #13 on your list.:)

mamasteph said...

Really?! on #42? That is a lot! :) I loved reading all of these things about you, even though I pretty much knew them all! You are an amazing girl! I love you sister!

Kody and Stacie Rogers said...

Hey mary! It's stacie! I found your blog from Angies, and just wanted to say hey! Looks like your doing awesome! I'm glad I can stay updated!!!

Trey said...

that's better :)

Hair Goddess said...

Cute list!!

Amber Lenora said...

i miss you!!! and i just read all those! see you soon!