Saturday, November 15, 2008

So great news! I registered for classes for the last time of my college career. Can you believe it?! I am so so so excited! (not that it took very long because my classes are already picked and saved for me) I can't believe how fast/slow the time has gone since I started college. At times (including yesterday), it feels like I have been doing this forever and it will never end, and then I realize that I only have 4 weeks of classes left this semester! Where did the past 3 months go? Anyway, I am THRILLED about it!
Not so great news... I won't be able to walk in April like I had hoped. Depending on what I decide to do next fall, I will probably end up walking in August. My options are student teaching in Houston, interning in Utah, or student teaching in Utah. My hopes for the future are in that order. I got the best education in Houston and I really feel like it would be such an incredible experience to learn from the teachers down there. Also a huge plus is that my dad just moved down there and my mom will hopefully be down there soon aswell. It would be so nice to live near them again, its crazy how much you miss you parents when you move away! Anyway! I think that would be amazing, but I have to apply and see if it is really going to be a fit or not!
So my dog has anxiety. This is not new news to me, I have known all along, but today she was driving me crazy! Her bathroom anxiety has been a fairly new development. I think it may have something to do with the fact that Zeus always comes out and distracts her. She will whine to go out to the potty and after about 5 minutes of me ignoring her - I finally take her out and she goes to her place and walks around and sniffs... And then she walks around and sniffs... And then she starts to squat, looks around, gets nerveous, and walks around and sniffs some more. We go through this process for about 5 minutes and I get super annoyed! So I have been trying to walk inside the door so I am not watching her and either she goes faster, or the time just goes faster becuase I am not standing outside harassing her :) I hope she gets over this before the snow comes!! But then she comes inside and snuggles me (like right now) and it is all worth it cuz she is so darn cute!
Life has been busy busy with the practicum but I only have one week left! It's crazy! I am really going to miss those kids, they are so fun! They are so sweet to each other and I really feel like I have gotten to know their sweet little personalities and I just love them! I can't wait to have my own class so I get them for more that 4 weeks! There are so many funny stories I could tell you, but I will just tell you one - cuz it is so funny:
One day I was walking around while the kids were working on their projects and one of the girls (Madide) burped. I looked at her and laughed and we started talking about burping contests. I told her that I liked to have them with my dad but he tells me that it isn't ladylike. So then I told them that burping isn't always appropriate in public. Well, Nate says, "ya like at school - burping or farting or tooting. Boys fart and girls toot. Boys' are called farts because they are more smelly and louder." At this point, Maddie felt the need to prove him wrong so she says, "thats not true. You should hear mine - they are loud and VERY smelly." I laughed so hard! They are so honest and so funny!


mamasteph said...

Great story! Out of the mouths of babes, huh?! I'm voting Houston, you would be sooo much closer to us and we would LOVE that! Poor Lole--I hope she gets over her anxiety soon! Love ya sis!

M {3 said...

To start off, I am soooo proud and happy for you! April, August whenev I will be there to see you walk. You will be an amazing teacher! When you said about moving AWAY from your parents, I realizes, Hey she did it was not us moving for a change...doesn't always happen us not being the movers:( Next I bought a present for Lole and your poop story makes it even better, I can't wait. And finally if I smell like 2 of the guys in my life, no names...(Dad and Trey), when I "toot" please shoot me because I will already smell dead! LOL

Katt said...

Okay missy...have you already taken the fun praxis test? I believe every state has different criteria. Anyhow, I am excited for you. Teaching is a lot of work, but it is a lot of fun. The kids are just adorable, every one of them. You will be awesome!
PS where are you going for Thanksgiving???

Aria said...

I think you should intern in Utah. We don't want you guys to move away! But maybe it will give us a fun excuse to visit Texas. I can't wait for you to be a teacher! You're going to be amazing -I bet all your kids this semester just love you to death.

Katt said...

About the Praxis, it is not necessarily the content that is so hard, it is the timed bit. You only have 2 min per question. If you are a fast reader and comprehend everything you read the first time, then you will not have a problem. I think everyone would pass the first time if they had time to figure it all out. It tests your speed, not really your knowledge. Good luck, see you in a few weeks.

garritandshea said...

I'm so jealous and proud of you! Thanks for all your help at work lately!

Aimee said...

I thought you had longer with school. That's so exciting...pretty bittersweet huh?

Biggie T said...

Hang in there Mary Rose, it will be worth it when you finish. I'm way proud of you!