Wednesday, December 03, 2008

6 more days of classes...

Thats right... 6 more days of classes. The countdown is officially on. This has been such an amazing semester and I have learned so so much, but it has also been so so hard! But I know I can do it! I only have like 20 more assignments left ;) No big deal!
Seriously though, life has been flying by lately! Thanksgiving came and went so fast! We kept going back and forth on what our plans were and we ended up spending Thanksgiving in Park City with Adam's relatives, it was a blast! I got some shopping done with Katch and we got to go to the Jazz game with Eric and Nina!
I am so excited for Christmas! I can't wait to spend time with my family in Marshall for the holidays! I even bought some wool socks to help me adjust to the crazy weather! That is if we ever get our tickets! I was dooped by the media, I can't believe it! I kept hearing that airfare was going to go down for the holidays so I held off buying our tickets and now they are lots of money! :( So I think we will end up flying out of Vegas, which is a lot cheaper! But I can't wait for fondue and trifold and Christmas brunch and the talent show and the nativity and the list could go on and on! I love our family Christmas traditions!
Anyway, I am pretty boring lately with school and all, but I promise to post anything exciting and life changing that happens to me this week!
PS Never knew how much I was obsessed with youtube before... It is so great to be able to listen to whatever Christmas song you want anytime! :) Soak it up people, I love this time of year!


mamasteph said...

We are super excited to see you guys at Christmas! I'm glad you had such a good Thanksgiving week! Love ya sis!

Aria said...

good luck on this last stretch! let us know if you need a break ever to relax, goof off, party, and be lazy for a few hours...thats what we're here for. :)

M {3 said...

I am so proud of you and the way through all the trials you have endured and brought those "Unicorns and Rainbows" to those lucky kids you have come in contact with. I can't wait to give you a big hug at Christmas:)

Trey said...

ya i only have a day left of my college class and then the final.. i'm happy as well.. turd fergusen