Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Feelin Good!

So my goal all summer was to be able to get back to the gym... ok well it was actually my new years goal but I didn't really make it happen :) Better late than never right?! Haha So I have been so proud of myself for the past 3 weeks! I love kickboxing! One of the servers at Happy Sumo is a kickboxing instructor and so I have been going to her classes! I feel so great after going to the gym and I really hope I can keep it up! Anyway, so I figured if I actually tell people I am going to the gym then I will be better motivated to keep it up!

School starts in less than a month :( I am NOT thrilled about it. But... it will be good to have something get me out of bed before noon! I will actually be going to school 5 days a week for the first time in my college experience. AND 8 o'clock classes :( But the end is near!

So even though I could come up with a laundry list of how ghetto my apartment is, we have one of the most amazing views from our front porch! It rained today and we got the most amazing rainbow! A full rainbow behind the mountains! You can't ask for a better view than that! :)

Lole's diet is going well... we appreciate all of your love and concern lol! It is really hard to keep disciplined but she has really been a trooper!
This is a picture I just took from our front porch! :)


M {3 said...

I LOVE RAINBOWS! I also think your view is amazing. It is so great to know you are feeling great. Way to go on the rainbow colored blog:)
Love you tons<3

Nina said...

So I didn't catch the whole rainbow colored post. I feel about as dumb as when they had to explain the end of sixth sense to me. Anyway, congrats on getting to the gym. I am glad that you feel good after going.

mamasteph said...

Gorgeous pic! You know I love rainbows--when Val and I got married and we were in the celestial room, there were rainbows all over the floor from the light reflecting through the windows of the temple, and the sister there with us told us it meant all of our dreams would come true! You sound like you are doing so well! Keep enjoying sleeping in while you can and remember we love and miss you tons!

Biggie T said...

Glad to hear you're back at the gym - I've heard that kick boxing is a really good workout. That is a pretty amazing rainbow.

The Bombic said...

That is a lovely rainbow - we don't get as many of those out here, so I am jealous. Way to go on working out - I was doing great but then fell off the wagon during the 'bar exam' run up at our house. Billy Blaine would be proud. :) Love ya sis!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I am glad you found me. We totally need to hang out. I miss you. Lets go to dinner or something. Give me a call sometime. Love ya!