Monday, September 08, 2008

Avid Reader

So in my Children's Literature class today, my teacher was talking to us about the one question you can ask a person to see if they are the sort of person who loves reading and reads regularly or not. I thought this was super interesting (after trying to guess the question several times he finally gave us the answer he was looking for lol)! The question is, "What are you planning on reading next?" This is because someone who is constantly reading, will probably be thinking about/planning for their next good read!
I know a lot of you are big readers, so my question to you is, what do you plan on reading next, or do you have any great suggestions for what I read next? I am STILL working on the 9th Work and the Glory book (I took a break to read the Twilight series) and am trying to decide what I want to read next! I was thinking about reading East of Eden again, since I read it in highschool and absolutely loved it! So... what do you think?!


Madelyn said...

I was actually just thinking that I would like to read "The Count of Monte Cristo". I always heard it was a great book. I just went through and rated books on and it brought back some great memories of books I read in the past.

M {3 said...

Have you ever read my favorite "Pride and Prejudice"? Mr. Darcy, Elphaba and me, the misunderstood;) Plus an easy read is "Marley and Me" as a dog lover you would love it and probably cry a little. Isn't reading grand?

kent and liz said...

I have always wanted to just pick a random book, one that I have never heard anything about, and just read it! So I finally did. About a month ago I wandered into a book store and bought a book called "The Witch of Portobello". I have never heard of it... all I know is what is written on the back. I am excited to read it though! I am currently trying to finish the last book of the twilight series, which is why I haven't started my new mystery read. You could get it and read it with me if you'd like! Or whenever I am looking for a new book to read I always find myself wanting to read an old classic, such as... Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick. I want to read all of those... some day! (sorry this comment is way too long!!!)

Nina said...

I plan on reading "What to Expect When Your Expecting". I also am in the middle of reading "Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline" by Dr. Becky Bailey. The book is a lot like her book "Contentious Discipline", which I enjoyed very much. I guess my kind of books is a lot different than most. I love information books.

mamasteph said...

I always have something I want to read...even if it is something I have read already. If you enjoyed the Work and the Glory books you should try the Children of Promise series, they are excellent. Also Anita Stansfield has several new books that are out and her books are always enjoyable. Did you read Stephenie Meyer's other new book "The Host"? It was also very good--a little harder to get into, mostly because it is so different from the Twilight series, but just as awesome!

Nina said...

I love the new look of your blog!! The pictures of you and Adam are so fun.

mamasteph said...

Now you need to teach me how to design a blog! Very cute!

Larysa said...

First off, your blog looks AMAZING!! It is so cute! I am highly impressed!

Then as far as the book thing goes, I mostly read Young Adult books (I am going to blame that on my job at the library. hehe), but I am reading the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld, and I really like it. My friend just read Austenland by Shannon Hale and said that was wonderful. So there are my two cents. =)