Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I love spinning!

So when school started, I started losing my habits of going to the gym. But I have really been trying to get those habits back recently! SO... my really cute friend from Happy Sumo recently became a spin instructor at Golds, so I been going to her spin classes! I LOVE IT! It is such a good workout! The first time Adam and I went, I threw up half-way through the class, but since then it has all been uphill :) I don't know what it is about the dark room and loud music, that totally gets me in the zone!
Other than that, Adam and I have been keeping really busy since school started! I am taking 16 credits and I think Adam is taking either 15 or 16 credits also! His business is keeping him really busy every other moment of the week! I am working about 2-3 shifts a week at Happy Sumo and am really needing all the extra time that frees up for me with all the homework my professors assign!
All in all, I am really enjoying my classes. I am learning some really interesting things about education and how I can be the best teacher possible! I can't wait to just get out into the classrooms!
With everything that has happened in the past few weeks, I am just reminded of how lucky I am to be blessed with such an amazing family (old and new)! The support system we have and the strength I have seen in my family, especially Trey, amazes me every day! It's crazy to think that if I had to deal with so many situations that I would just shut down, but I see members of my family go though these things and they are so strong and have so much faith! I am grateful to them for their great example to me.
And with that I just have to add how lucky I am to have Adam for a husband! He really is so good to me! He always knows just what to say to make me smile and he really makes sure I know, every day, how much he loves me! I am so grateful that we can be an eternal family!
PS! I just have to add my shout out to the dear Madelyn Wayment! She helped me (and when I say help I mean pretty much did everything while I watched lol) create my wonderful new blog, which I absolutely love! Thanks so much Madelyn!


M {3 said...

That is so great to have an exercise routine that escapes the world. I did ride my bike for the first time yesterday since the new hip:) You are one of the people that gives me strength because you find a way to always make the world seem "Beautiful again". Thanks for all your support this last week.

mamasteph said...

I need to get motivated so that I can look like you! :) Unfortunately I have just never liked working out! A shame, I know! You are one amazing girl! I love you tons sis!